What do you know about the LED display wall?
It’s important to us that you know what options are available and understand the different types of LED screens on the market. This article will guide you through finding all the information you need to know before you enter the market looking for an LED wall.

Do I need an indoor or outdoor LED video wall?
This question needs to be chosen according to your actual situation.
Firstly, the main difference between the two is the resolution. Indoor LED walls are viewed from a closer distance, so the screen resolution is higher. And since outdoor panels are usually viewed from a longer distance, the screen resolution will be lower.
Secondly, outdoor LED panels will be brighter than indoor LED ones because they are used in sunlight.
Additionally, outdoor LED panels will be more durable because they need to withstand weather conditions: dust, humidity, dirt, and so on.
On the other hand, since outdoor LED displays run for a long time, it will consume more energy. Indoor LED displays consume less energy although they are less durable to weather.
What size should LED video wall be?
We could give you an easy answer based on the space you have available and shape desired. Majority of times you want to keep a similar 16:9 aspect ratio.
The next important question to answer is how much space do you have on your stage? A general rule is to take the width of your stage and subtract 10 feet. For example, if the width of your stage is 50 feet, then a 40 foot LED wall would be appropriate.

How close will my audience need to be to the LED wall?
P1.95mm: 6 ft.
P2.97mm: 8 ft.
P3.91mm: 10 ft.
P5mm: 15 ft.
What are the installation types of LED wall?
Ground support installation
This approach system consists of a combination of base units, connecting rods and trapezoidal trusses to form a very stable system. It can support various configurations of LED screens and offers flexibility in height and width. This is the easiest way to build an LED video wall.

Hanging Method
There are certain requirements that need to be met in order to hang a screen. Most importantly, the ceiling needs to have enough structural support to hold the total weight of the screen. When someone says they want to “hang” an LED screen, this means that the screen will be mounted on an overhead truss system, a ceiling, or some other structure that is supported from above.

Wall Mounted
Some panels can be drilled and mounted to the wall. If you are looking for a nice clean look that is easy to maintain, this would be a good choice.

What refresh rate are the panels?
We offer high refresh rate panels. If you are broadcasting online, you need to make sure that your panel has a refresh rate of no less than 3840 Hz. Low refresh rate panels can create wavy lines that can distract the viewer.
What brightness should it be?
Indoor LED wall brightness: 700-800 nits
Outdoor LED wall brightness: 4000-5200 nits

Which is the proper resolution?
Pixel pitch is the distance from the center of an LED pixel to the center of the next LED pixel measured in millimeters. Resolution is the number of pixels contained in the physical area of your LED display. The more pixels you have per square meter, the more detail your wall will display.
What kind of warranty do we offer?
Our warranty is included in the total price. We offer a 3-5 year warranty on all LED panels.
What if a module stops working?
The last thing you want is for the module to stop working in the middle of a show. In the event of a failure, we simply remove the module and replace it with a spare.
Maintaining LED panels
Most LED Panels are rated for 60,000 to 100,000 hours. You’ll have these panels for a long time and will get a lot of life out of them. In case something malfunctions, you can get in contact with us and we will give you all the information to properly service and maintain your panels.
How much does an LED wall cost?
This is the question that we get numerous times per day. There is no simple answer to “how much does a LED Wall cost?” There are too many options and variables to consider. These factors listed below will affect the overall cost.
Pixel pitch: The lower the pixel pitch, the higher the cost.
Size of LED wall: The larger the wall, the more panels you’ll need.
Servicing features: Features like, front-servicing, removable power supplies, temperature meters, easy latch system, edge protectants, and cable-less features all contribute to higher panel costs.
Refresh rate: Refresh Rates 3840hz and higher are referred to as “high refresh rate”. In most cases, this contributes to a high panel cost.
Installation method: Your installation method will affect the overall cost.
Need more Information?
Having great customer service means that we value our customer’s time and we provide you with all the knowledge you need. A positive attitude will make us understand your needs better and that will bring us closer. There will always be problems to solve and we strive to creatively work with each of our customers to bring a solution. We will assist you throughout the whole process of purchasing, transportation, installation and post-sale support.